Fala galera, segue mais um jogo clássico feito 100% em Excel, usando os recursos do VBA.
Se você quiser aprender a desenvolver o jogo clique aqui
Download link abaixo
Curso de como desenvolver o jogo
Código VBA
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim gamesh As Worksheet
Dim bala As Shape
Dim coco As Shape
Sub Reset()
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Config")
Set gamesh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Jogo")
Set bala = gamesh.Shapes("Bala")
Set coco = gamesh.Shapes("Coco")
Dim sp As Shape
Set sp = gamesh.Shapes("Bala e Coco")
Dim sp1 As Shape
Set sp1 = gamesh.Shapes("Coco2")
Dim sp2 As Shape
Set sp2 = gamesh.Shapes("Coco3")
bala.Top = 228.75
bala.Left = 159
coco.Top = 94.5
coco.Left = 532.5
sp.Top = 471
sp.Left = 564.75
sp1.Top = 471
sp1.Left = 564.75
sp2.Top = 471
sp2.Left = 564.75
sh.Range("c2:C3").Value = "Stop"
sh.Range("D2").Value = 0
sh.Range("D3").Value = 10
End Sub
Sub Play_Game()
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Config")
Set gamesh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Jogo")
Set bala = gamesh.Shapes("Bala")
Set coco = gamesh.Shapes("Coco")
Dim sp As Shape
Set sp = gamesh.Shapes("Bala e Coco")
sh.Range("c2").Value = "Move"
If sh.Range("c2").Value = "Stop" Then Exit Sub
coco.Top = coco.Top + sh.Range("B2").Value
If coco.Top > 400 Then coco.Top = 94.5
GoTo x
End Sub
Sub Pause_Game()
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Config")
sh.Range("c2:C3").Value = "Stop"
End Sub
Sub Shoot()
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Config")
Set gamesh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Jogo")
If sh.Range("C2").Value = "Stop" Then
MsgBox "Clique em inicar primeiro"
Exit Sub
End If
If sh.Range("d3").Value = "0" Then
MsgBox "Você não tem mais bala" & vbLf & vbLf & "Clique no botão reiniciar"
Exit Sub
End If
Set bala = gamesh.Shapes("Bala")
Set coco = gamesh.Shapes("Coco")
Dim sp As Shape
Set sp = gamesh.Shapes("Bala e Coco")
sh.Range("c3").Value = "Move"
sh.Range("c3").Value = "Move"
If sh.Range("c2").Value = "Stop" Then Exit Sub
coco.Top = coco.Top + sh.Range("B2").Value
If coco.Top > 300 Then coco.Top = 94.5
If sh.Range("c3").Value = "Stop" Then Exit Sub
bala.Left = bala.Left + sh.Range("B3").Value
If bala.Left > 530 And bala.Left < 540 Then
If coco.Top > 201 And coco.Top < 223 Then
Call Drop_coco
Call Play_Game
End If
End If
If bala.Left > 1000 Then
sh.Range("c3").Value = "Stop"
sh.Range("D3").Value = sh.Range("D3").Value - 1
bala.Top = 228.75
bala.Left = 159
End If
GoTo x
End Sub
Sub Drop_coco()
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Config")
Set gamesh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Jogo")
Set bala = gamesh.Shapes("Bala")
Set coco = gamesh.Shapes("Coco")
Dim sp As Shape
Set sp = gamesh.Shapes("Bala e Coco")
Dim sp1 As Shape
Set sp1 = gamesh.Shapes("Coco2")
Dim sp2 As Shape
Set sp2 = gamesh.Shapes("Coco3")
sh.Range("c2:c3").Value = "Stop"
bala.Top = 228.75
bala.Left = 159
coco.Top = 94
coco.Left = 532
'sp.Top = 213.85
'sp.Left = 555.1
sp1.Top = 238
sp1.Left = 546.75
sp2.Top = 206.12
sp2.Left = 543.9
'sp.Top = sp.Top + sh.Range("b2").Value
'sp.Left = sp.Left + sh.Range("b3").Value
sp1.Top = sp1.Top + sh.Range("b2").Value
'sp1.Left = sp1.Left + sh.Range("b3").Value
sp2.Top = sp2.Top + sh.Range("b2").Value
sp2.Left = sp2.Left + sh.Range("b3").Value
If sp1.Top > 380 Then
sh.Range("d2").Value = sh.Range("d2").Value + 1
Exit Sub
End If
GoTo x
End Sub